“Inter-Device Synchronization” using HbbTV2

The “inter-device synchronization” feature of the HbbTV2 standard allows the playback of IP AV streams on a mobile device in lip-sync with the broadcast TV image on the TV. One of the most important use cases for this is the provision of additional audio versions via mobiles and headphones, e.g. for use in a family …

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iOS Spectator View: AR in the TV production

Graphical visualization and 3D simulations in TV shows are well suited for explaining abstract concepts and progresses. Since the 1960s the blue/greenscreen-technique is used in German productions to add graphics. Within the last ten years many broadcasters used virtual studios for their production.  To escape the “green hell”, Augmented Reality (AR) has gotten more popular …

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Analyzing IP Productions

At the end of 2017 the ST2110 standard was published by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE). It enables IP-based transmissions of video content in television productions and is intended to replace traditional SDI networks. At IBC 2018 in Amsterdam 39 manufacturers exhibited their first prototypes using this standard. For the analysis …

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Transmitting station in Ismaning ready for operation for Bavarian research project “5G TODAY”

As part of the Bavarian research project 5G TODAY, an LTE/5G test field with the aim to enable the efficient distribution of broadcast signals combined with attractive services in the network of the future is currently being set up in the Bavarian Oberland. Under the lead of IRT, the project partners Kathrein and Rohde & …

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What’s new in FRANSY 3.4, the radio network planning tool of the German public broadcaster, a summary

At the end of January, the FRANSY-Team offered a webinar presenting the full scoop of what’s new in the just released FRANSY Version 3.4. FRANSY is the radio network planning tool of the German public broadcasters. It has been developed by the IRT in collaboration with broadcasters and con terra. The planning system offers lots of …

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MediaRoad Sandbox Pitching Event in Munich

Late November 2018 around 60 innovation-enthusiasts from broadcasters and media companies were presented a showcase from the European Sandboxes and startups / intrapreneurs that collaborate in the Sandbox Hub of the European coordination and support project MediaRoad. In MediaRoad a Sandbox is a media innovation accelerator in which groundbreaking ideas can be tested and scaled. …

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VisualMedia in Action

Embedding Social Media in Broadcasting

Social media content is becoming an ever more integral part of broadcasting. By incorporating social media services, it is not only possible to include user-generated content, but also to provide a more immersive and engaging experience for the viewers by using social media platforms as interactive feedback channels. Including this content directly into broadcasts, however, …

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