Tag Archives: Object-Based

Tool for codec-independent NGA productions released

We are very proud to inform you about the first public release of the “EAR Production Suite”, a free set of tools for producing immersive and personalizable audio content independently from the distribution codec. This open-source project has been developed in (yet) another great collaboration with our colleagues from the BBC R&D audio team under …

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Next Generation Audio for Headphones – the Binaural NGA Renderer

In the course of the AES “Virtual Vienna” Convention 2020, the Binaural NGA Renderer, our binaural rendering addon for the EBU ADM Renderer, was released together with a corresponding paper. The Binaural NGA Renderer was released as an open source project and can be found at https://github.com/IRT-Open-Source/binaural_nga_renderer. The corresponding paper with the title “Optimized binaural rendering …

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Playback of 3D audio via headphones with the EBU ADM Renderer

Since the first release of the EBU ADM Renderer, the implementation of 3D audio via headphones through binaural technology has been a desired functionality. Binaural technology provides the ability to easily deliver three-dimensional, immersive content to the listener. All the listener needs for this is headphones. This makes it possible to listen to spatially demanding …

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Combining our NGA efforts in an open-source ADM production tool

If you are following our work towards a truly open and codec-independent workflow for Next Generation Audio, you will have noticed that we not only work together with other broadcasters and industry representatives to define relevant standards for that purpose, i.e. Audio Definition Model (ADM), Serial ADM, the ITU ADM Renderer and further specifications. We …

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Microchip with description: EAR libear v0.9 d8bc6f2

More open-source for open object-based audio workflows

Last year we released two open-source C++ libraries: libbw64 and libadm. Now that the ITU ADM (Audio Definition Model) Renderer (Recommendation ITU-R BS.2127-0) is published, we are adding another library to the list – the libear. The library is developed in cooperation with BBC R&D and published using the permissive Apache 2.0 license under the …

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The EBU ADM Renderer evolved into the ITU ADM Renderer

In previous posts we informed about the progress and achievements related to our Next Generation Audio renderer work, especially about the EBU ADM Renderer or simply the “EAR”. At the last ITU-R WP6C meeting in Geneva, where international standards for production and quality topics in broadcasting are discussed and made, we finally achieved one of …

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EBU ADM Renderer Version 1.1 released

If you are a regular visitor of the IRT Lab, you already know the EBU ADM Renderer (EAR) – a renderer for Next Generation Audio content described by ADM metadata. The specification is published as EBU Tech 3388 and it is accompanied by an open source reference implementation written in the programming language Python. Now …

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EBU Tech Report 3392 Cover

ADM profiles for open object-based audio workflows

Our efforts to establish a Next Generation Audio (NGA) production workflow based on open standards is still ongoing. Next Generation Audio is designed to deliver highly adaptable audio for immersive, more personalized experiences and accessibility services. The Audio Definition Model (ADM) and the EBU ADM Renderer (EAR) are the backbone of the production workflow we …

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