EBU ADM Renderer Version 1.1 released

If you are a regular visitor of the IRT Lab, you already know the EBU ADM Renderer (EAR) – a renderer for Next Generation Audio content described by ADM metadata. The specification is published as EBU Tech 3388 and it is accompanied by an open source reference implementation written in the programming language Python. Now Version 1.1 of the reference implementation is released – with some exciting new features. The specification is not updated yet, but we wanted to give you an early Christmas present and not wait any longer with the release of the new software version.

The most exciting new feature is, that the EAR now supports the ADM Matrix type. The Matrix type can for example be used to specify custom downmix coefficients to have complete control on how a 3D channel-based recording will be reproduced on a system with a lower speaker count. Another new feature is, that it is now possible to manually select the audio programme (ADM element audioProgramme) and the complementary audio objects (ADM element audioObject) within an ADM file if you are using the command line tool. So if an ADM file contains multiple versions with different languages, you are now able to select which language version should be rendered.

For a full list of changes check out the complete changelog on GitHub.

If you have already installed and used the EAR you just have to update your installation to use the new features. You can do so by running the following command:

pip update ear

If you are new to the EAR just follow the instructions given in our first post about the EAR.

We hope you are as thrilled about the release as we and will enjoy giving the new version a try!

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