Author Archives: Ronald Mies

Accessible 360° video – ImAc solutions are ready for public testing

In the Immersive Accessibility (ImAc) project IRT investigates, together with partners from the media industry, how 360° media can be made accessible for all. During the project, a technical platform has been developed to enable accessible 360° media: enrich, distribute and playback 360° video content with fully customisable accessibility services. To this end, the project …

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MediaRoad SkillBytes: exploring changing skill sets and career paths in today’s media technology environment

As part of the MediaRoad networking activities led by IRT, project partners EBU and BBC produced a podcast series about the transformation of the media technology environment and what this means in terms of professional journeys: jobs, skills, recruitment, training etc. In a series of experts’ interviews, the following question is addressed: which are the …

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MediaRoad Sandbox Pitching Event in Munich

Late November 2018 around 60 innovation-enthusiasts from broadcasters and media companies were presented a showcase from the European Sandboxes and startups / intrapreneurs that collaborate in the Sandbox Hub of the European coordination and support project MediaRoad. In MediaRoad a Sandbox is a media innovation accelerator in which groundbreaking ideas can be tested and scaled. …

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