libadm source code

Open-source for open object-based audio workflows

Together with multiple other EBU members we developed the EBU ADM Renderer (EAR), a production renderer for audio described by ADM metadata. It is specified in EBU Tech 3388 and accompanied by an open-source reference implementation written in Python. Recently all the hard work we put into this project got rewarded: the EAR won the …

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Subtitles for 360° media – alternative presentation for immersive experiences

Introduction When subtitles are provided in a 360° environment, they are typically fixed at the bottom of the screen and centered horizontally. This is fine for common 2D TV, but maybe is not the best strategy for 360° media. By making use of the additional “dimension”, maybe subtitles can convey more than just textual information. …

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HbbTV Application Discovery over Broadband

  Hybrid broadcast broadband TV (HbbTV) is a global initiative aimed at harmonising the broadcast and broadband delivery of entertainment services to consumers through connected TVs, set-top boxes and multiscreen devices. The new HbbTV feature Application Discovery (ADB) over Broadband has been desgined to expand HbbTV usage to additional market segments. The key usage mode …

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Working on a standardised NGA renderer for the production

A few years ago, we joined the standardization efforts of NGA (Next Generation Audio) components for the production and distribution environment in ITU-R, EBU, DVB and other organizations. Whilst the standardization for the distribution was already almost established, we spent quite some effort on the production format and the production renderer. After many discussions within …

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Hybrid Radio: 1st OMRI implementation from the HRADIO project

Hybrid radio will reveal its full potential once the application developers gain access to radio hardware on mobile systems. One of the goals of the EU-funded HRADIO project is the development of an OMRI (Open Mobile Radio Interface) implementation for these platforms. Application developers get access to tuner hardware and can realise feature-rich applications that …

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5G-Xcast IRT testbed

5G-Xcast is the first 5G PPP project to focus on the holistic implementation of point-to-multipoint communication as a critical technology element in 5G systems in addition and as a complement to unicast. 5G-Xcast will devise, assess and demonstrate a conceptually novel and forward-looking 5G network architecture for large scale immersive media delivery. The project objectives …

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Microsoft’s Spectator View in Broadcasting Production

Interactive 3D simulations are particularly well suited for explaining abstract concepts and processes in information programmes. However, the interaction with such objects is difficult in a conventional TV production, as the objects usually remain hidden from the presenter, for instance in a virtual studio. With the help of Microsoft’s HoloLens, an augmented reality glasses, users …

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Subtitle Conversion Framework (SCF) v1.0 released

IRT recently released version 1.0 of it’s Subtitle Conversion Framework (SCF). The SCF is published under the Apache 2.0 license and is available on github: The SCF provides a set of modules for converting XML based subtitle formats. The modules include features for Transformation from EBU STL to EBU-TT according to the mapping guideline …

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