Hybrid Radio: 1st OMRI implementation from the HRADIO project

Hybrid radio will reveal its full potential once the application developers gain access to radio hardware on mobile systems. One of the goals of the EU-funded HRADIO project is the development of an OMRI (Open Mobile Radio Interface) implementation for these platforms. Application developers get access to tuner hardware and can realise feature-rich applications that will demonstrate the powerful combination of broadcast and broadband content. Today, IRT finished a 1st version of an OMRI implementation for standard Android devices.  The implementation uses a regular USB DAB+ stick for the reception of the digital radio broadcast and performs the demultiplexing and decoding of the DAB+ signals and data services such as Dynamic Label Plus and Categorised Slideshow.

Car dashboard

OMRI sample application running on an Android-based car radio. This version is designed for technical purposes only such as debugging and stability tests.


The same app running on an Android tablet with the USB tuner directly attached.

IRT will provide this implementation to the HRADIO project partners, which will use this technology for creating attractive new hybrid radio applications.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.: 761813

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