IRT & LMU Cooperation: Augmented Reality in the Broadcast World

The hype about Augmented Reality (AR) is slightly going down even though the advantages remain. Especially for broadcasters the advantages of AR can be used in a variety of domains, like material planning, broadcast production, graphic development and marketing. However, AR is still a new territory for editorial and production staff. We, at the IRT, …

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Accessible 360° video – ImAc solutions are ready for public testing

In the Immersive Accessibility (ImAc) project IRT investigates, together with partners from the media industry, how 360° media can be made accessible for all. During the project, a technical platform has been developed to enable accessible 360° media: enrich, distribute and playback 360° video content with fully customisable accessibility services. To this end, the project …

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HDR-Colour Volume – Colour Space Visualization in 3D

Ultra-High Definition Television (UHDTV) as it is specified in ITU-R BT.2100 consists of four main features compared to the current legacy HDTV format (High Definition Television): High Resolution (e.g. 2160 lines, progressive only) High Frame Rate (HFR) High Dynamic Range (HDR) Wide Colour Gamut (WCG). Investigations and various demonstrations (e.g. at IFA or IBC 2019 …

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Playback of 3D audio via headphones with the EBU ADM Renderer

Since the first release of the EBU ADM Renderer, the implementation of 3D audio via headphones through binaural technology has been a desired functionality. Binaural technology provides the ability to easily deliver three-dimensional, immersive content to the listener. All the listener needs for this is headphones. This makes it possible to listen to spatially demanding …

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Brain-Computer-Interfaces for controlling media-content in the web

Subtitles and audio descriptions are used to make the content of audio-visual media accessible to people with visual or hearing impairments. However, for people with severe motor impairment the obstacle usually lies ahead, in the user interfaces that should give access and control over the media content.With this project IRT wants to think outside the …

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In-Browser Face Recognition to amend information on appearing persons

Machine learning and AI tools can support broadcast productions in many applications. One common example is the use of AI tools in the archive where text analysis and image recognition are helping to enrich media assets with additional metadata and thus enable quick search and access to material. In the following example, we tried to …

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