AV-Portal Streaming Testcases

IRT opened an extensive repository of differently encoded Audio- and Videostreams for PC, Smartphones, Tablets and HbbTV-Devices.

Launch the Testportal http://avtest.irt.de

Various test cases are presented in a user interface as progressive download and adaptiv for MPEG-DASH, Apple HLS and Adobe HDS in multiple encodings (H.264, H.265, HE/AAC, E/AC3), container formats (MP4, MPEG-TS) and resolutions (SDTV, HDTV, UHD, 576i, 720p, 1080i, 1080p, 50Hz…)


The test cases are offering an easy to use option for broadcasters, manufacturers, service operators and skilled users to test the playback capabilities of their connected devices under different encoding and transport conditions. With the help oft he UI, all relevant encoding parameters of various renditions from the same source footage can be viewed and compared on a given screen and audio setup. The responsive UI for mobile devices and the PC offers the selection of different web-based mediaplayers (JWplayer, VideoJS, Flowplayer…) to be compared decoding the same streams. For the test case „IRT Referenzclips 10min“ special testing sequences have been rendered, which facilitate immediate experts viewing of critical criteria like Safe Area, Framerate, Interlaced Mode, Timecode, Overscan, Audio- Channelmapping etc. being applied to the given transmission chain. The presented streams also implement the most current encoding requirements from the German public broadcasters of ARD. Some of the test cases are updated occasionally and my exceed constraints of common decoders, as they are intended to be used for trial and error, to find out what a given device or broadband-connection can handle or not. So it should be noted that any failed playback attempt may be regarded simply as test result and not necessarily as a problem of the provided service or application.

If you have any comment to the encodings, questions regarding the application, or if you would like us to assist you in providing test results and custom encodings, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

How to use the AV test portal

How to use the AV test portal

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