{ "version": "https://jsonfeed.org/version/1.1", "user_comment": "This feed allows you to read the posts from this site in any feed reader that supports the JSON Feed format. To add this feed to your reader, copy the following URL -- https://lab.fktg-media.de/tag/collaboration/feed/json/ -- and add it your reader.", "home_page_url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/tag/collaboration/", "feed_url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/tag/collaboration/feed/json/", "language": "en-US", "title": "Collaboration – IRT Lab", "description": "The latest demos and news from our labs", "icon": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/cropped-irt_lab_logo_icon-01.png", "items": [ { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=2162", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/irt-lmu-cooperation-augmented-reality-in-the-broadcast-world/", "title": "IRT & LMU Cooperation: Augmented Reality in the Broadcast World", "content_html": "The hype about Augmented Reality (AR) is slightly going down even though the advantages remain. Especially for broadcasters the advantages of AR can be used in a variety of domains, like material planning, broadcast production, graphic development and marketing. However, AR is still a new territory for editorial and production staff. We, at the IRT, ...

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", "content_text": "The hype about Augmented Reality (AR) is slightly going down even though the advantages remain. Especially for broadcasters the advantages of AR can be used in a variety of domains, like material planning, broadcast production, graphic development and marketing. However, AR is still a new territory for editorial and production staff. We, at the IRT, ...Read More", "date_published": "2020-03-27T10:02:21+01:00", "date_modified": "2020-04-02T12:01:07+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Simon von der Au", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/simon-vonderau/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/31678223298_6f6ec900ca_k.jpeg" } ], "author": { "name": "Simon von der Au", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/simon-vonderau/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/31678223298_6f6ec900ca_k.jpeg" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/AR_LMU_IRT_Group.png?v=1589287271", "tags": [ "AR", "Collaboration", "HoloLens", "Production", "Future Video" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=1537", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/getting-started-with-the-audio-definition-model/", "title": "How to get started with the Audio Definition Model", "content_html": "Audio is on the brink of the next big step after the transition from mono to stereo. Next Generation Audio (NGA) and especially object-based audio will provide the consumer with a lot of new features such as personalizable dialogue level. Check out this EBU website for an introduction into NGA and an overview of the ...

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", "content_text": "Audio is on the brink of the next big step after the transition from mono to stereo. Next Generation Audio (NGA) and especially object-based audio will provide the consumer with a lot of new features such as personalizable dialogue level. Check out this EBU website for an introduction into NGA and an overview of the ...Read More", "date_published": "2020-02-20T08:30:41+01:00", "date_modified": "2020-02-18T12:08:38+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Benjamin Weiss", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/weiss/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/IMG_8667-960x960.png" } ], "author": { "name": "Benjamin Weiss", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/weiss/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/IMG_8667-960x960.png" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/ADM.png", "tags": [ "3D-Audio", "Audio", "Audio Definition Model", "Collaboration", "Metadata", "Object-Based", "Standardisation", "Next Generation Audio" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=1704", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/mediaroad-skillbytes-exploring-changing-skill-sets-and-career-paths-in-todays-media-technology-environment/", "title": "MediaRoad SkillBytes: exploring changing skill sets and career paths in today\u2019s media technology environment", "content_html": "As part of the MediaRoad networking activities led by IRT, project partners EBU and BBC produced a podcast series about the transformation of the media technology environment and what this means in terms of professional journeys: jobs, skills, recruitment, training etc. In a series of experts\u2019 interviews, the following question is addressed: which are the ...

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", "content_text": "As part of the MediaRoad networking activities led by IRT, project partners EBU and BBC produced a podcast series about the transformation of the media technology environment and what this means in terms of professional journeys: jobs, skills, recruitment, training etc. In a series of experts\u2019 interviews, the following question is addressed: which are the ...Read More", "date_published": "2019-11-14T09:33:04+01:00", "date_modified": "2019-11-14T10:55:24+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Ronald Mies", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/ronald/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Ronald_Mies_10-kopf-square-768x768.jpg" } ], "author": { "name": "Ronald Mies", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/ronald/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Ronald_Mies_10-kopf-square-768x768.jpg" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/MediaRoad-Skill-Bytes-Logo.png?v=1589461933", "tags": [ "Collaboration", "MediaRoad", "Skills", "training", "General" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=1200", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/transmitting-station-in-ismaning-ready-for-operation-for-bavarian-research-project-5g-today/", "title": "Transmitting station in Ismaning ready for operation for Bavarian research project \u201c5G TODAY\u201d", "content_html": "As part of the Bavarian research project 5G TODAY, an LTE/5G test field with the aim to enable the efficient distribution of broadcast signals combined with attractive services in the network of the future is currently being set up in the Bavarian Oberland. Under the lead of IRT, the project partners Kathrein and Rohde & ...

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", "content_text": "As part of the Bavarian research project 5G TODAY, an LTE/5G test field with the aim to enable the efficient distribution of broadcast signals combined with attractive services in the network of the future is currently being set up in the Bavarian Oberland. Under the lead of IRT, the project partners Kathrein and Rohde & ...Read More", "date_published": "2019-03-22T11:39:10+01:00", "date_modified": "2019-04-03T09:15:50+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Hans Brand", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/hansbrand/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lab.irt_.de_default_avatar-01-960x960.png" } ], "author": { "name": "Hans Brand", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/hansbrand/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lab.irt_.de_default_avatar-01-960x960.png" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Vers2-5G_Wendelstein-Ismaning_Zoom.png?v=1589462300", "tags": [ "3GPP", "5G", "Collaboration", "eMBMS", "Networks", "Standardisation", "Testcases", "Radio Systems" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=1215", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/mediaroad-sandbox-pitching-event-in-munich/", "title": "MediaRoad Sandbox Pitching Event in Munich", "content_html": "Late November 2018 around 60 innovation-enthusiasts from broadcasters and media companies were presented a showcase from the European Sandboxes and startups / intrapreneurs that collaborate in the Sandbox Hub of the European coordination and support project MediaRoad. In MediaRoad a Sandbox is a media innovation accelerator in which groundbreaking ideas can be tested and scaled. ...

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", "content_text": "Late November 2018 around 60 innovation-enthusiasts from broadcasters and media companies were presented a showcase from the European Sandboxes and startups / intrapreneurs that collaborate in the Sandbox Hub of the European coordination and support project MediaRoad. In MediaRoad a Sandbox is a media innovation accelerator in which groundbreaking ideas can be tested and scaled. ...Read More", "date_published": "2019-03-07T11:19:17+01:00", "date_modified": "2019-04-03T11:17:19+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Ronald Mies", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/ronald/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Ronald_Mies_10-kopf-square-768x768.jpg" } ], "author": { "name": "Ronald Mies", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/ronald/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Ronald_Mies_10-kopf-square-768x768.jpg" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/SandboxMediaRoad_Munich_180718-09.png", "tags": [ "Collaboration", "MediaRoad", "Pitching", "Sandbox", "start-ups", "General" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=820", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/the-tinkered-tv-companion/", "title": "The Tinkered TV Companion", "content_html": "What we’ve done We have built a companion-screen application for the children\u2019s quiz programme “1, 2 oder 3“. The app allows children at home to play along, just like the children in the show, using a floor pad. The floor pad uses a Raspberry PI single-board computer to connect to an HbbTV application on the ...

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", "content_text": "What we’ve done We have built a companion-screen application for the children\u2019s quiz programme “1, 2 oder 3“. The app allows children at home to play along, just like the children in the show, using a floor pad. The floor pad uses a Raspberry PI single-board computer to connect to an HbbTV application on the ...Read More", "date_published": "2018-09-06T14:54:06+01:00", "date_modified": "2019-01-15T16:45:05+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Christoph Ziegler", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/ziegler/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lab.irt_.de_default_avatar-01-960x960.png" } ], "author": { "name": "Christoph Ziegler", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/ziegler/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lab.irt_.de_default_avatar-01-960x960.png" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/P1020054.jpg?v=1588181541", "tags": [ "Collaboration", "Companion Screen", "HbbTV", "HbbTV 2", "Interactive", "Second Screen", "Tangible", "Platforms and Services" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=782", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/2-immerse-motogp-multiscreen-experience-with-hbbtv-2-retail-devices/", "title": "2-IMMERSE MotoGP multiscreen experience with HbbTV 2 retail devices", "content_html": "Partners in the EU-funded project 2-IMMERSE\u00a0have developed a platform for multiscreen services. The architecture of the 2-IMMERSE platform has been built around the HbbTV 2 specification, mainly using the new companion-screen protocols for app-to-app communication and inter-device media synchronisation. At the beginning of the project there were no TV sets implementing the HbbTV-2 standard available. ...

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", "content_text": "Partners in the EU-funded project 2-IMMERSE\u00a0have developed a platform for multiscreen services. The architecture of the 2-IMMERSE platform has been built around the HbbTV 2 specification, mainly using the new companion-screen protocols for app-to-app communication and inter-device media synchronisation. At the beginning of the project there were no TV sets implementing the HbbTV-2 standard available. ...Read More", "date_published": "2018-08-16T07:58:16+01:00", "date_modified": "2019-01-15T16:44:30+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Christoph Ziegler", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/ziegler/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lab.irt_.de_default_avatar-01-960x960.png" } ], "author": { "name": "Christoph Ziegler", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/ziegler/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lab.irt_.de_default_avatar-01-960x960.png" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/ifa-2immerse-demo-hbbtv_M.png?v=1589462437", "tags": [ "Collaboration", "Companion Screen", "HbbTV", "HbbTV 2", "Media Sync", "Second Screen", "Platforms and Services" ], "attachments": [ { "url": "https://lab.irt.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/MotoGP_on_HbbTV_enc.m4v", "mime_type": "video/mp4", "size_in_bytes": 92212503 } ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=749", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/european-collaboration-for-open-nga-broadcast-workflow-successfully-completed/", "title": "European collaboration for open NGA broadcast workflow successfully completed", "content_html": "More than three years ago, we initiated an European collaboration project called “ORPHEUS” along with our audio colleagues from BBC R&D. Our aim was to develop and establish an end-to-end workflow for object-based audio broadcasting, based on open standards.\u00a0 So we teamed up with major European companies and institutions, which are all experts in their ...

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", "content_text": "More than three years ago, we initiated an European collaboration project called “ORPHEUS” along with our audio colleagues from BBC R&D. Our aim was to develop and establish an end-to-end workflow for object-based audio broadcasting, based on open standards.\u00a0 So we teamed up with major European companies and institutions, which are all experts in their ...Read More", "date_published": "2018-08-06T22:09:38+01:00", "date_modified": "2018-08-07T10:36:12+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Michael Weitnauer", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/weitnauer/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Michael-Weitnauer-960x960.jpg" } ], "author": { "name": "Michael Weitnauer", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/weitnauer/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Michael-Weitnauer-960x960.jpg" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/ORPHEUS_Logo_square-1.png", "tags": [ "3D-Audio", "Audio", "Broadcast Workflow", "Collaboration", "Object-Based", "Standardisation", "Next Generation Audio" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=504", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/hybrid-radio-1st-omri-implementation-from-the-hradio-project/", "title": "Hybrid Radio: 1st OMRI implementation from the HRADIO project", "content_html": "Hybrid radio will reveal its full potential once the application developers gain access to radio hardware on mobile systems. One of the goals of the EU-funded HRADIO project is the development of an OMRI (Open Mobile Radio Interface) implementation for these platforms. Application developers get access to tuner hardware and can realise feature-rich applications that ...

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", "content_text": "Hybrid radio will reveal its full potential once the application developers gain access to radio hardware on mobile systems. One of the goals of the EU-funded HRADIO project is the development of an OMRI (Open Mobile Radio Interface) implementation for these platforms. Application developers get access to tuner hardware and can realise feature-rich applications that ...Read More", "date_published": "2018-03-29T10:14:32+01:00", "date_modified": "2019-01-15T16:46:55+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Alexander Erk", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/erk/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Profile.png" } ], "author": { "name": "Alexander Erk", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/erk/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Profile.png" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DSC_2777.jpg", "tags": [ "Car", "Collaboration", "DAB+", "HRADIO", "Hybrid", "Platforms and Services" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=477", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/5g-xcast-irt-testbed/", "title": "5G-Xcast IRT testbed", "content_html": "5G-Xcast is the first 5G PPP project to focus on the holistic implementation of point-to-multipoint communication as a critical technology element in 5G systems in addition and as a complement to unicast. 5G-Xcast will devise, assess and demonstrate a conceptually novel and forward-looking 5G network architecture for large scale immersive media delivery. The project objectives ...

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", "content_text": "5G-Xcast is the first 5G PPP project to focus on the holistic implementation of point-to-multipoint communication as a critical technology element in 5G systems in addition and as a complement to unicast. 5G-Xcast will devise, assess and demonstrate a conceptually novel and forward-looking 5G network architecture for large scale immersive media delivery. The project objectives ...Read More", "date_published": "2018-03-21T18:49:15+01:00", "date_modified": "2018-09-06T16:02:31+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Jordi Gimenez", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/gimenez/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Photo_JordiJoanGimenez.png" } ], "author": { "name": "Jordi Gimenez", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/gimenez/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Photo_JordiJoanGimenez.png" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/logo5gxcast.png", "tags": [ "3GPP", "5G", "5G-Xcast", "Collaboration", "eMBMS" ] } ] }