{ "version": "https://jsonfeed.org/version/1.1", "user_comment": "This feed allows you to read the posts from this site in any feed reader that supports the JSON Feed format. To add this feed to your reader, copy the following URL -- https://lab.fktg-media.de/category/accessibility/feed/json/ -- and add it your reader.", "next_url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/category/accessibility/feed/json/?paged=2", "home_page_url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/category/accessibility/", "feed_url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/category/accessibility/feed/json/", "language": "en-US", "title": "Accessibility – IRT Lab", "description": "The latest demos and news from our labs", "icon": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/cropped-irt_lab_logo_icon-01.png", "items": [ { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=3155", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/dialog-end-user-tests/", "title": "Dialog+ \u2013 End user tests", "content_html": "The improvement of speech intelligibility for broadcasting content has been an important aspect of IRT’s work for many years. Dialog+ is the name of an additional service with enhanced speech intelligibility that promises to at least improve the current situation. To ensure that these developments are not only valid in a lab context, but also ...

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", "content_text": "The improvement of speech intelligibility for broadcasting content has been an important aspect of IRT’s work for many years. Dialog+ is the name of an additional service with enhanced speech intelligibility that promises to at least improve the current situation. To ensure that these developments are not only valid in a lab context, but also ...Read More", "date_published": "2020-12-21T11:11:02+01:00", "date_modified": "2021-01-11T14:36:56+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Michael Meier", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/meier/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2020_Meier_Michael-960x960.jpg" } ], "author": { "name": "Michael Meier", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/meier/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2020_Meier_Michael-960x960.jpg" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/dialog_plus_hbbtv2.V.jpeg?v=1589287106", "tags": [ "Accessibility", "HbbTV", "HbbTV 2", "Speech Intelligibility", "Next Generation Audio" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=2560", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/testing-a-vr-subtitle-production-prototype/", "title": "Testing a VR subtitle production prototype", "content_html": "In our earlier post on accessibility services in 360\u00b0 environments (here) we have described how these services can enhance user experiences and make 360\u00b0 videos more accessible. In the EU-funded Immersive Accessibility project ImAc subtitles are extended with guiding cues to support easier speaker identification within the 360\u00b0 space to enhance the user experience and ...

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", "content_text": "In our earlier post on accessibility services in 360\u00b0 environments (here) we have described how these services can enhance user experiences and make 360\u00b0 videos more accessible. In the EU-funded Immersive Accessibility project ImAc subtitles are extended with guiding cues to support easier speaker identification within the 360\u00b0 space to enhance the user experience and ...Read More", "date_published": "2020-05-11T07:32:43+01:00", "date_modified": "2020-05-13T10:57:09+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Peter tho Pesch", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/pthopesch/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/PeterThoPesch_2.jpg" } ], "author": { "name": "Peter tho Pesch", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/pthopesch/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/PeterThoPesch_2.jpg" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Lab_VR-subtitle-production_photo.jpg", "tags": [ "Accessibility", "Immersive", "Production", "Subtitles", "VR" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=2477", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/audio-description-via-bone-conduction-headphones-using-hbbtv-2/", "title": "Audio Description via bone conduction headphones using HbbTV2", "content_html": "People with visual impairments often need audio description when watching TV in order to understand what is happening visually. This can be problematic in certain group settings, where it is not possible to enable audio description e.g. public viewing events. In a group setting, as of now, everybody listens to the same broadcast sound together ...

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", "content_text": "People with visual impairments often need audio description when watching TV in order to understand what is happening visually. This can be problematic in certain group settings, where it is not possible to enable audio description e.g. public viewing events. In a group setting, as of now, everybody listens to the same broadcast sound together ...Read More", "date_published": "2020-04-29T07:23:37+01:00", "date_modified": "2020-04-29T09:42:55+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Maike Richter", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/maike-richter/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/foto1-960x960.png" } ], "author": { "name": "Maike Richter", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/maike-richter/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/foto1-960x960.png" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/audiodeskription_feature_photo.jpg?v=1589287066", "tags": [ "Accessibility", "Audio Description", "HbbTV 2" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=2376", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/alternative-audio-tracks-in-ard-player/", "title": "Alternative audio tracks in ARD Player", "content_html": "We’ve recently teamed up with colleagues from SWR.Online to implement alternative audio tracks in the “ARD Player” for mobile and desktop Internet browsers. This allows ARD broadcasters now to distribute alternative audio versions in addition to the default mix in an efficient manner without extra bandwidth usage. Such alternatives can be for example a “Dialog+” ...

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", "content_text": "We’ve recently teamed up with colleagues from SWR.Online to implement alternative audio tracks in the “ARD Player” for mobile and desktop Internet browsers. This allows ARD broadcasters now to distribute alternative audio versions in addition to the default mix in an efficient manner without extra bandwidth usage. Such alternatives can be for example a “Dialog+” ...Read More", "date_published": "2020-04-20T14:02:41+01:00", "date_modified": "2020-06-29T15:40:23+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Michael Weitnauer", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/weitnauer/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Michael-Weitnauer-960x960.jpg" } ], "author": { "name": "Michael Weitnauer", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/weitnauer/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Michael-Weitnauer-960x960.jpg" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/mediathek_featured.png?v=1589287191", "tags": [ "Audio", "HLS", "Mediathek", "Accessibility", "Next Generation Audio", "Platforms and Services" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=2426", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/creative-subtitles-design-and-mechanics/", "title": "Creative subtitles \u2013 design and mechanics", "content_html": "More creative than current broadcast subtitles, but with measure and goal – that’s how subtitles should be. The IRT is researching its design and mechanics. So far, the display options of television subtitles have been very limited. This is due in particular to Teletext technology, which is still an essential part of the subtitle workflow. ...

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", "content_text": "More creative than current broadcast subtitles, but with measure and goal – that’s how subtitles should be. The IRT is researching its design and mechanics. So far, the display options of television subtitles have been very limited. This is due in particular to Teletext technology, which is still an essential part of the subtitle workflow. ...Read More", "date_published": "2020-04-16T11:13:59+01:00", "date_modified": "2020-04-21T09:58:23+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Melina M\u00f6hnle", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/melina-moehnle/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Moehnle-Melina.jpg" } ], "author": { "name": "Melina M\u00f6hnle", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/melina-moehnle/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Moehnle-Melina.jpg" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Creative_Subtitle_Feature3.jpg?v=1589287148", "tags": [ "Accessibility", "Subtitles" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=2223", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/speech-intelligibility-dialog-via-hbbtv-2/", "title": "Speech intelligibility: Dialog+ via HbbTV 2", "content_html": "Over the past several years the number of complaints from TV viewers about hard to understand dialogue in various programs has been increasing. Many viewers are not always able to follow the dialogue of a TV program without effort even though they have adjusted the volume. Reasons for this can be age-related hearing impairments, modern ...

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", "content_text": "Over the past several years the number of complaints from TV viewers about hard to understand dialogue in various programs has been increasing. Many viewers are not always able to follow the dialogue of a TV program without effort even though they have adjusted the volume. Reasons for this can be age-related hearing impairments, modern ...Read More", "date_published": "2020-04-03T10:45:09+01:00", "date_modified": "2020-04-16T12:37:04+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Maike Richter", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/maike-richter/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/foto1-960x960.png" } ], "author": { "name": "Maike Richter", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/maike-richter/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/foto1-960x960.png" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/dialog_plus_hbbtv2.V.jpeg?v=1589287106", "tags": [ "Accessibility", "HbbTV 2", "Speech Intelligibility" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=2172", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/accessible-360-video-imac-solutions-are-ready-for-public-testing/", "title": "Accessible 360\u00b0 video \u2013 ImAc solutions are ready for public testing", "content_html": "In the Immersive Accessibility (ImAc) project IRT investigates, together with partners from the media industry, how 360\u00b0 media can be made accessible for all. During the project, a technical platform has been developed to enable accessible 360\u00b0 media: enrich, distribute and playback 360\u00b0 video content with fully customisable accessibility services. To this end, the project ...

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", "content_text": "In the Immersive Accessibility (ImAc) project IRT investigates, together with partners from the media industry, how 360\u00b0 media can be made accessible for all. During the project, a technical platform has been developed to enable accessible 360\u00b0 media: enrich, distribute and playback 360\u00b0 video content with fully customisable accessibility services. To this end, the project ...Read More", "date_published": "2020-03-09T16:36:22+01:00", "date_modified": "2020-04-03T19:52:40+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Ronald Mies", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/ronald/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Ronald_Mies_10-kopf-square-768x768.jpg" } ], "author": { "name": "Ronald Mies", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/ronald/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Ronald_Mies_10-kopf-square-768x768.jpg" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Screenshot-ImAc-Player-Menu-crop-quad.png?v=1589287314", "tags": [ "360", "Accessibility", "Audio Description", "Open Source", "sign-language interpreter", "Subtitles" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=1951", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/brain-computer-interfaces-for-controlling-media-content-in-the-web/", "title": "Brain-Computer-Interfaces for controlling media-content in the web", "content_html": "Subtitles and audio descriptions are used to make the content of audio-visual media accessible to people with visual or hearing impairments. However, for people with severe motor impairment the obstacle usually lies ahead, in the user interfaces that should give access and control over the media content.With this project IRT wants to think outside the ...

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", "content_text": "Subtitles and audio descriptions are used to make the content of audio-visual media accessible to people with visual or hearing impairments. However, for people with severe motor impairment the obstacle usually lies ahead, in the user interfaces that should give access and control over the media content.With this project IRT wants to think outside the ...Read More", "date_published": "2020-01-17T11:23:00+01:00", "date_modified": "2020-01-20T15:14:43+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Michaela Finger", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/finger/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lab.irt_.de_default_avatar-01-960x960.png" } ], "author": { "name": "Michaela Finger", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/finger/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lab.irt_.de_default_avatar-01-960x960.png" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/imgpsh_mobile_save.jpg?v=1589461820", "tags": [ "Accessibility", "User Interface" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=1270", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/inter-device-synchronization-using-hbbtv2/", "title": "\u201cInter-Device Synchronization\u201d using HbbTV2", "content_html": "The “inter-device synchronization” feature of the HbbTV2 standard allows the playback of IP AV streams on a mobile device in lip-sync with the broadcast TV image on the TV. One of the most important use cases for this is the provision of additional audio versions via mobiles and headphones, e.g. for use in a family ...

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", "content_text": "The “inter-device synchronization” feature of the HbbTV2 standard allows the playback of IP AV streams on a mobile device in lip-sync with the broadcast TV image on the TV. One of the most important use cases for this is the provision of additional audio versions via mobiles and headphones, e.g. for use in a family ...Read More", "date_published": "2019-05-15T10:24:28+01:00", "date_modified": "2020-05-25T16:11:24+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Klaus Merkel", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/klausmerkel/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lab.irt_.de_default_avatar-01-960x960.png" } ], "author": { "name": "Klaus Merkel", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/klausmerkel/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lab.irt_.de_default_avatar-01-960x960.png" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/IFA_2018_Media-Synchronisation-Audio.jpg?v=1590419576", "tags": [ "Accessibility", "Companion Screen", "HbbTV", "HbbTV 2", "Hybrid", "Speech Intelligibility", "Platforms and Services" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=1408", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/subtitles-in-360-media/", "title": "Subtitles in 360\u00b0 media", "content_html": "In a previous post, we discussed the topic of subtitles in a 360\u00b0 environment. Within the project Immersive Accessibility (ImAc) IRT investigates together with partners from the media industry how accessibility services can be applied to 360\u00b0 or VR environments. At our demo app webpage (short link: www.irt.de/foxfinder), you can see a short 360\u00b0 scene ...

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", "content_text": "In a previous post, we discussed the topic of subtitles in a 360\u00b0 environment. Within the project Immersive Accessibility (ImAc) IRT investigates together with partners from the media industry how accessibility services can be applied to 360\u00b0 or VR environments. At our demo app webpage (short link: www.irt.de/foxfinder), you can see a short 360\u00b0 scene ...Read More", "date_published": "2019-04-29T10:21:35+01:00", "date_modified": "2020-02-13T16:01:23+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Peter tho Pesch", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/pthopesch/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/PeterThoPesch_2.jpg" } ], "author": { "name": "Peter tho Pesch", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/pthopesch/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/PeterThoPesch_2.jpg" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Fixed_positioned_subtitles_foxfinder-e1556526430821.png?v=1588253128", "tags": [ "360", "Accessibility", "App", "Caption", "Immersive", "Subtitles" ] } ] }