{ "version": "https://jsonfeed.org/version/1.1", "user_comment": "This feed allows you to read the posts from this site in any feed reader that supports the JSON Feed format. To add this feed to your reader, copy the following URL -- https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/siepe/feed/json/ -- and add it your reader.", "home_page_url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/siepe/", "feed_url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/siepe/feed/json/", "language": "en-US", "title": "Sebastian Siepe – IRT Lab", "description": "The latest demos and news from our labs", "icon": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/cropped-irt_lab_logo_icon-01.png", "items": [ { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=618", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/argos/", "title": "Argos | Measuring the video stream quality", "content_html": "Users of media platforms are used to watch high quality video content over the internet, since many media platforms emerged that deliver high quality video content anytime, anywhere and on any device with intuitive applications. These platforms, like YouTube, Netlifx or Facebook have set the standard of video streaming very high. And this high standard ...

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", "content_text": "Users of media platforms are used to watch high quality video content over the internet, since many media platforms emerged that deliver high quality video content anytime, anywhere and on any device with intuitive applications. These platforms, like YouTube, Netlifx or Facebook have set the standard of video streaming very high. And this high standard ...Read More", "date_published": "2018-07-17T08:29:27+01:00", "date_modified": "2019-01-15T16:35:28+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Sebastian Siepe", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/siepe/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/sebastiansiepe-960x960.jpg" } ], "author": { "name": "Sebastian Siepe", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/siepe/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/sebastiansiepe-960x960.jpg" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/argos_featuredimage.png", "tags": [ "Adaptive Streaming", "Streaming", "IP-Distribution" ] } ] }