{ "version": "https://jsonfeed.org/version/1.1", "user_comment": "This feed allows you to read the posts from this site in any feed reader that supports the JSON Feed format. To add this feed to your reader, copy the following URL -- https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/hansbrand/feed/json/ -- and add it your reader.", "home_page_url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/hansbrand/", "feed_url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/hansbrand/feed/json/", "language": "en-US", "title": "Hans Brand – IRT Lab", "description": "The latest demos and news from our labs", "icon": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/cropped-irt_lab_logo_icon-01.png", "items": [ { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=2929", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/uhd-what-it-is-about/", "title": "UHD \u2013 what it is about!", "content_html": "Ultra-High Definition – better known as UHD – has been a common term for several years. With it, television viewers benefit from a higher picture quality. But what exactly is behind UHD? We have examined UHD in more detail and with the help of an extensive subjective test we found out which visual factors have ...

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", "content_text": "Ultra-High Definition – better known as UHD – has been a common term for several years. With it, television viewers benefit from a higher picture quality. But what exactly is behind UHD? We have examined UHD in more detail and with the help of an extensive subjective test we found out which visual factors have ...Read More", "date_published": "2020-09-17T17:55:22+01:00", "date_modified": "2021-03-15T13:27:59+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Hans Brand", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/hansbrand/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lab.irt_.de_default_avatar-01-960x960.png" } ], "author": { "name": "Hans Brand", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/hansbrand/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lab.irt_.de_default_avatar-01-960x960.png" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/MicrosoftTeams-image-2.png", "tags": [ "Production", "UHD", "Future Video" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=2900", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/responsive-graphics-fullscreen-for-everyone/", "title": "Responsive graphics \u2013 Fullscreen for everyone!", "content_html": "After the switch of the TV format from 4:3 to 16:9, other aspect ratios remained at best a niche product for a long time in the broadcasting industry. But social media are defining entirely new standards on their platforms. This challenges video producers to provide their content to various distribution channels \u2013 including the need ...

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", "content_text": "After the switch of the TV format from 4:3 to 16:9, other aspect ratios remained at best a niche product for a long time in the broadcasting industry. But social media are defining entirely new standards on their platforms. This challenges video producers to provide their content to various distribution channels \u2013 including the need ...Read More", "date_published": "2020-08-17T13:25:25+01:00", "date_modified": "2020-08-17T13:25:25+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Hans Brand", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/hansbrand/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lab.irt_.de_default_avatar-01-960x960.png" } ], "author": { "name": "Hans Brand", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/hansbrand/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lab.irt_.de_default_avatar-01-960x960.png" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/lab-demo-responsiveG_video-standbild.jpg", "tags": [ "App", "Object-Based", "Respronsive Graphics", "General" ] }, { "id": "https://lab.irt.de/?p=1200", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/transmitting-station-in-ismaning-ready-for-operation-for-bavarian-research-project-5g-today/", "title": "Transmitting station in Ismaning ready for operation for Bavarian research project \u201c5G TODAY\u201d", "content_html": "As part of the Bavarian research project 5G TODAY, an LTE/5G test field with the aim to enable the efficient distribution of broadcast signals combined with attractive services in the network of the future is currently being set up in the Bavarian Oberland. Under the lead of IRT, the project partners Kathrein and Rohde & ...

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", "content_text": "As part of the Bavarian research project 5G TODAY, an LTE/5G test field with the aim to enable the efficient distribution of broadcast signals combined with attractive services in the network of the future is currently being set up in the Bavarian Oberland. Under the lead of IRT, the project partners Kathrein and Rohde & ...Read More", "date_published": "2019-03-22T11:39:10+01:00", "date_modified": "2019-04-03T09:15:50+01:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Hans Brand", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/hansbrand/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lab.irt_.de_default_avatar-01-960x960.png" } ], "author": { "name": "Hans Brand", "url": "https://lab.fktg-media.de/author/hansbrand/", "avatar": "/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/lab.irt_.de_default_avatar-01-960x960.png" }, "image": "/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Vers2-5G_Wendelstein-Ismaning_Zoom.png?v=1589462300", "tags": [ "3GPP", "5G", "Collaboration", "eMBMS", "Networks", "Standardisation", "Testcases", "Radio Systems" ] } ] }